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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

M7A1 The Intake Coordinator's Perspective

M7A1 The Intake Coordinator's Perspective

Q Using this, choose five of the following scenarios. For each scenario Determine the most appropriate mediation style (transformative, facilitative, or evaluative) to address the dispute type, and justify your answer. Discuss the pros and cons of choosing a CDRC or a private sector mediator to handle the mediation. Complete your assignment in 150-200 words (1 page). Scenarios: Parent/child - (usually deals with 12-16-year-old ungovernable child with the goal of developing an agreement between child and parent regarding behavior accountability for the child. Custody/visitation dispute between separating parents referred by a court to give the parents a chance to work out specifics and avoid a court hearing. Customer/merchant dispute about a defective product sold to the customer by the merchant. Landlord/tenant dispute regarding repairs to an apartment made by the tenant and the tenant withholding all or part of monthly rent payments as the tenant determined without consulting or asking permission of the landlord. Parent/elementary school dispute about special education service needs for the 10-year-old child. Small claims court referral for a matter involving a homeowner’s picture window that was broken by the neighbor’s 15-year-old son. Co-workers’ dispute regarding the use and daily care of shared office equipment. Employee and Supervisor dispute regarding conflicting performance evaluations for the employee. Five neighboring homeowners complaining about having to pay part of the repair cost for emergency repairs to a municipal sewer line that served the five homes. The matter was referred by the mayor of the town that manages the sewage system. A dispute between the student body of a private college and the college administration about the prohibition of live music events on campus. A family owned furniture store that is struggling to develop an owner succession plan to transfer control of the business from the founding owner and spouse to their eldest daughter and their grandson. An organic farmer and a non-farmer (new neighbor) complaining about the barnyard flies all over their backyard and asking the farmer to spray pesticides to get rid of the flies. ?

Q 1. Parent/child - (usually deals with 12-16-year-old ungovernable child with the goal of developing an agreement between child and parent regarding behavior accountability for the child. 2.Customer/merchant dispute about a defective product sold to the customer by the merchant.

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The most appropriate mediation style will be facilitative mediation as it will help to focus on helping clients to reach a mutual agreement. A private mediator will handle this situation in a better way as this is a family issue.